25 % ô ϹǷ Ҹ ϰ 3-4
˻縦 Ͽ ġ ȹ Ѵ.
1. ġ
3) ġ
4) ȭ
5) ô
* 20 ̸ : ġ + ġ
* 20~40 : + ġ, ġ
* 40̻(50 ̻: ) : ġ
Risser sign, menarche, carpal bone maturity ̿
20~30 + Risser sign 0, 1 --> 70% ȭ
2, 4 --> 23% ȭ
19 + Risser sign 0, 1 --> 22% ȭ
2, 4 --> 2% ȭ
ߺ>50 : 1.3/ ȭ
90~100, . ȭ
3) ġ
Large curve, double curve, high apical curve ---> more progress
2. ġ
1) ġ : ô , ô ȭ
2) ġ
* Russian stimulation(2500 Hz) or FES on paraspinal muscle( A fiber )
: 10/50 stimulation on concavity with wedge in ccocavity and block in convexity
for 15~18
* Lateral trunk muscles( B fiber )
: 10/10 stimulation on convexity with Wedge in concavity for 15~ 18
3) ġ
* Flexion-distraction for 20 min. with Brace or pushing P-A on peak curve
during flexion, exhaling of patient with wedge or lateral traction.
* 7 to 9 P-A thrust on peak curve
4) ٸ (Heel lift)
* ٸ ü߰踦 ̿ ü й 2.5mm 5mm heel lift
ȿ ִ ȿ β ̿.
5) CLF board
* 3ġ(7~8cm) β ݿ Ǵ ձ۰ å ̿Ͽ peak curve,
lateral curve, cervical curve, lumbar curve ش, 1ð ̳.
6) Ocular and vestibular stimulation : stepper exercise with cx. traction( 8`10 lb traction,
5lb anterior traction
- 20 ~ 30 + 5 ̻
- 30 ̻
* ȣ ̴
- 12, 1 ߿ ġ ÷(apex)
- 30
* ҷ ̴
- ª ߰
- 35 ̻
- ߺ
- ҷ : Ϸ 23ð ̻ ǰ
* ; 10 ~ 12 ´.
- 18
- Risser sign 4 ̻
- (õ) (Thoracolumbosacral Orthosis, TLSO) ; apex T7, 8
- (õ) (Cervicothoracolumbosacral Orthosis, CTLSO, ϸ Milwaukee
) ; ô ÷ ô߰
7 Ȥ 8 ߺ ȴ. ݼ ְ յڷ
ħ(mold, pad) ־ Ծ ǥð ̿ ִ.
- (Dynamic Corrective Brace, DCB)
- Copes ; (õ) (Thoracolumbosacral Orthosis, TLSO)+ָӴ
8) ̷ Ǵ ȣ
9) ġ
* : ȭ Ͽ . ϸ .
- ; 40 ̻
- ; 40 :
40 ~ 50 :
50 ~ 60 : ̿
60 ̻ :
- ü ұ̳ ̿ ϰ ȯڰ
. *
- Ĺ ٹ
- ٹ |